
堅持優良傳統 不斷自我革新 開創華仁百年基業








周致聰 (Charles Chau)(1992年屆)






周致聰律師 (Charles Chau) (1992年屆)

周致聰華仁網誌:http://ccccwyk.blogspot.com舊生會網頁:http://www.wykpsa.org.hk舊生會Facebook組群: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2435692120



九龍華仁書院舊生會已於2008年10月30日選出前任主席曾慶輝校友(Felix Tseng)(1981年屆) 為新一任九龍華仁書院校董會舊生代表,任期2年,接替退任的蕭妙文校友(1975年屆)。在此,我代表舊生會向兩位參選的舊生會前任主席林國興校友(1976年屆)和曾慶輝校友致以衷心的祝賀。在舊生會主席的任內,他們對會務貢獻良多。在選舉期間,他們對母校表現出愛護和關切,同時亦展現了華仁仔的君子風度,令是次選舉取得成功。同時,我亦感謝去屆校董蕭妙文校友在任內為母校所作出的工作。有關選舉的詳情請參見由選舉主任、舊生會義務秘書高文瀚校友(1999年屆)提交的選舉報告(見本文附錄)。



周致聰 (Charles Chau)(1992年屆)
舊生會Facebook組群: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2435692120

Dear Past Chairmen,

Please be informed that the ballot paper submission period for the election of School Manager for the term from November 2008 to October 2010 is closed.

The ballot result is as follows:
Wilfred Lam: 10 votes
Felix Tseng: 12 votes

I hereby announce that Felix Tseng is elected as the School Manager for the term from November 2008 to October 2010.

Yours faithfully,
Gary Ko
Election Officer for the Election of School Manager 2008-2010 &
Honorary Secretary, WYKPSA 2008-2009

Speech at the Speech Day of Wah Yan College Kowloon 2008

November 14, 2008

Dear Professor Fung, Honourable Guests, Father Chow, Mr. So, Rev. Fathers, Teachers, Parents, Fellow Wahyanites, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Congratulations once again to Ming Hon, Kar Ho and Kwong Chuen for being elected as Outstanding Students and Candidates for Student Ambassador for this year by their peers. We are impressed by your academic performance, leadership capability and your achievement in music. May you continue to display your outstanding quality among your peers and lead others into excellence.

To many Wahyanites, the Student Ambassador seems only an unfamiliar figure with the sole task of taking a trip abroad. In fact, the Student Ambassador Scheme is a part of the school involvement and internationalisation efforts of the Past Students’ Association. The prime duty of the Student Ambassador is to serve as a bridge between the past students and the current students. He needs to introduce the latest development of the school to alumni on one hand, promote friendship and communication between all alumni and present students on the other.

Vivid scenes still appear in my mind when I recall the moment I was elected Student Ambassador on this stage 16 years ago. It was also the first speech day that Mr. So officiated as the School Principal. To me, the title carries immense responsibilities. As Student Ambassador, I had a lot of invaluable opportunities to meet our fellow seniors. I have learnt tremendously from them. Their dedication, rigorous attitude, diligence, and strong sense of belonging have deeply inspired me.

Fellow Wahyanites, Wah Yan provides us not just with academic knowledge, but also lots of opportunities and freedom to develop our leadership, potentials and talents in various fields. We are unique; we are the best. It is my seven years in Wah Yan that I have become who I am today. We are all proud of Wah Yan. The only way to preserve her success and fame is to give what we can do to the School. Therefore, immediately after graduation, I joined the Past Students’ Association. Through the Past Students’ Association, we can maintain our linkage with our beloved School forever. We can support our beloved School forever.
Wahyanites, let us unite together under the school motto, “In Hoc Signo Vincs”, and fight for the bright future of Wah Yan!

Now, it is time to announce the Student Ambassador of the year. The Student Ambassador is Chow Kwong Chuen. Congratulations!

周致聰 (Charles Chau)(1992年屆)

周致聰華仁網誌:http://ccccwyk.blogspot.com舊生會網頁:http://www.wykpsa.org.hk舊生會Facebook組群: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2435692120